Contents of CEQA_REVIEW

File Name:
 2006 General Plan Update EIR
 ATT Telecom Gazebo Project MND Draft Review
 Back Bay Landing
 Bayside Family Resort Hotel
 Big Canyon Habitat Restoration MND
 Coyote Canyon Gas Recovery Demolition and Telecom Update (PA2016-091)
 Encroachment Removal and Restoration Plan
 Ford Road Residential (PA2017-228)
 General Plan Land Use Element Amendment
 Harbor Pointe Senior Living (PA2015-210)
 Hoag Hospital
 Housing Implementation Program EIR (PA2022-0245)
 John Wayne Airport DEIR
 Junior Lifeguard Headquarters (PA2019-124)
 Lido House Hotel
 Little Corona Infiltration IS-MND
 Newport Airport Village Addendum
 Newport Crossings
 Newport Harbor Dredging and Confined Aquatic Disposal Construction
 Newport Village Mixed-Use Project (PA2022-0166)
 Recorded Notices
 Residences at Newport Center (PA2020-020)
 Santa Ana River Marsh Dredging Project
 Superior Avenue Bridge MND and Addendum
 Uptown Newport
 Vivante_Museum House Residential
 Downloads - Shortcut.lnk