Contents of
CEQA_REVIEW/Back Bay Landing/Appendices-Newport Back Bay-October 2013
File Name:
01-DEIR-Appendix A - NOP_Initial Study_NOP Comments.pdf
02-DEIR Appendix B - Air Quality Data.pdf
03-DEIR Appendix C - Marine Bio Resources Report.pdf
04-DEIR Appendix D - Cultural Resources Assessments.pdf
05-DEIR Appendix E GÇô Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation.pdf
06-DEIR Appendix F - Greenhouse Gas Data.pdf
07-DEIR Appendix G GÇô Phase I Environmental Site Assessment-Part 1 (Appendices A-F).pdf
08-DEIR Appendix G GÇô Phase I Environmental Site Assessment-Part 2 (Appendices G-K).pdf
09-DEIR Appendix G GÇô Phase I Environmental Site Assessment-Part 3 (Appendices L-N).pdf
10-DEIR Appendix H GÇô Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan.pdf
11-DEIR Appendix I - Noise Data.pdf
12-DEIR Appendix J GÇô Public Service and Utility Correspondence.pdf
13-DEIR Appendix K - Traffic Impact Analysis.pdf
14-DEIR Appendix L - Hydrology_Hydromodification_Utilities Technical Memorandum.pdf