



(949) 644-3200  FAX (949) 644-3229










Application No.


Parcel Map No. NP2007-015 (PA2007-141)

County Parcel Map No. 2007-154



Fernleaf Properties, LLC

Site Address


720 and 720 ˝ Fernleaf Avenue

Legal Description


Lot 22, Block 733 Corona Del Mar Tract


On October 22, 2007, the Zoning Administrator approved the application request for condominium purposes. Each dwelling unit will be provided the minimum code required two-car parking. No exceptions to Title 19 development standards are proposed with this application. The property is located in the R-2 District. The Zoning Administrator’s approval is based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions.





The Zoning Administrator determined in this case that the proposed parcel map is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code and is approved based on the following findings per Section 19.12.070 of Title 19:


1.                  The proposed parcel map is for condominium purposes. The existing duplex will be converted to a two-unit condominium complex. The proposed improvements will not affect the existing density of the property which will remain the same. The proposed improvements are permitted in the R-2 Zoning District and the proposed subdivision is consistent with the density of the R-2 Zoning District and the current General Plan Land Use Designation “Two-Unit Residential Detached”.


2.                  The lot is regular in shape and has very little slope which indicates that the site is suitable for the proposed improvements and development.


3.                  This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 5 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) and Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions).


4.                  The proposed parcel map is for condominium purposes. All Building, Public Works, and Fire codes will be complied with in the construction of the proposed improvements. Public improvements may be required of the developer per Section 19.28.010 of the Municipal Code and Section 66411 of the Subdivision Map Act. All ordinances of the City and all Conditions of Approval will be complied with.


5.                  The design of the subdivision will not conflict with any easements acquired by the public-at-large for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision. Currently, there are no public easements located on the property.


6.                  The property is not subject to the Williamson Act since its use is not agricultural.


7.                  The property is not located within the boundaries of a specific plan and is not subject to any specific plan regulations.


8.                  The proposed improvements related to the condominium conversion are subject to Title 24 of the California Building Code that requires new construction to meet minimum heating and cooling efficiency standards depending on location and climate. The Newport Beach Building Department enforces Title 24 compliance through the plan check and inspection process.


9.                  The proposed subdivision is consistent with Section 66412.3 of the Subdivision Map Act and Section 65584 of California Government Code regarding the City’s share of the regional housing need. The proposed subdivision will have no effect on the residential density on the site since the existing structure will remain a two-family dwelling unit.


10.             Wastewater discharge into the existing sewer system will remain consistent with the existing two-family residential use of the property, which does not violate Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements.


11.             The proposed parcel map conforms to the certified Local Coastal Program since the site is located in a single-family residential development and is not developed with coastal-related uses, coastal-dependent uses or water-oriented recreational uses that would be displaced. Public access exists nearby making on-site vertical and lateral access unnecessary.




1.                  A parcel map shall be recorded. The map shall be prepared on the California coordinate system (NAD83). Prior to recordation of the map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the map shall submit to the County Surveyor and the City of Newport Beach a digital-graphic file of said map in a manner described in Section 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. The map to be submitted to the City of Newport Beach shall comply with the City’s CADD Standards. Scanned images will not be accepted.


2.                  Prior to recordation of the parcel map, the surveyor/engineer preparing the map shall tie the boundary of the map into the Horizontal Control System established by the County Surveyor in a manner described in Section s 7-9-330 and 7-9-337 of the Orange County Subdivision Code and Orange County Subdivision Manual, Subarticle 18. Monuments (one inch iron pipe with tag) shall be set on each lot corner, unless otherwise approved by the Subdivision Engineer. Monuments shall be protected in place if installed prior to completion of construction project.


3.                  All improvements shall be constructed as required by Ordinance and the Public Works Department.


4.                  A 10-foot radius corner cut-off easement for street and public utility purposes at the Fernleaf Avenue curb return shall be recorded as a part of the parcel map.


5.                  A minimum 4-feet (4’) wide concrete sidewalk shall be constructed along the entire Fifth Avenue frontage. The installation of a meandering type of travel path might be required to accommodate the existing street trees.


6.                  A minimum 12-inch wide by 12-inch deep full depth AC patchback is required against the new edge of gutter along the length of all curb and gutter and curb access ramp reconstruction work. Tack coat all joint surfaces prior to patchback placement.


7.                  Upon the construction of new concrete sidewalk along the Fifth Avenue frontage, a new ADA compliant curb access ramp shall be constructed at the Fernleaf Avenue/Fifth Avenue curb return.


8.                  All existing drainage facilities in the public right-of-way shall be retrofitted to comply with the City’s on-site non-storm runoff retention requirements.


9.                  All above ground improvements shall stay a minimum 5-foot clear of the alley setback.


10.             Fernleaf Avenue and Fifth Avenue are part of the City’s Moratorium List. Work performed on said roadways will require additional surfacing requirements. See City Standard 105-L-F.


11.             All improvements shall comply with the City’s sight distance requirement. See City Standard 110-L.


12.             All existing private, non-standard improvements (walls, patios, planters, etc.) within the public right-of-way and/or extensions of private, non-standard improvements into the public right-of-way fronting the developments site shall be removed.


13.             Install new sod or low groundcovers of the type approved by the City throughout the Fernleaf Avenue and Fifth Avenue parkways fronting the development site.


14.             All on-site drainage shall comply with the latest City Water Quality Division requirements.


15.             All applicable Public Works Department plan check fees, park dedication fees, improvement bonds and inspection fees shall be paid prior to processing of the map by the Public Works Department.


16.             Arrangements shall be made with the Public Works Department in order to guarantee satisfactory completion of the public improvements if it is desired to record a parcel map or obtain a building permit prior to completion of the public improvements.


17.             In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code or other applicable section or chapter, additional street trees may be required and existing street trees shall be protected in place during construction of the subject project, unless otherwise approved by the General Services Department and the Public Works Department through an encroachment permit or agreement.


18.             Each dwelling unit shall be served with an individual water service and sewer lateral connection to the public water and sewer systems per City STD-406-L and STD-502-L, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and the Building Department.


19.             Each unit shall be connected to its individual water meter and sewer lateral and cleanout in the public right-of-way. If installed at a location that will be subjected to vehicle traffic, water meter and sewer cleanout shall be installed with a traffic-grade box/frame and cover.


20.             Each dwelling unit shall be served with individual gas and electrical service connection and shall maintain separate meters for the utilities.


21.             Overhead utilities serving the site shall be undergrounded to the nearest appropriate pole in accordance with Section 19.28.090 of the Municipal Code unless it is determined by the City Engineer that such undergrounding is unreasonable or impractical.


22.             Additional public works improvements, including street and alley reconstruction work may be required at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector.


23.             If any of the existing public improvements surrounding the site is damaged by the private work, public works improvements including, but not limited to, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and alley/street reconstruction may be required at the discretion of the Public Works Inspector.


24.             All work conducted within the public right-of-way shall be approved under an encroachment permit issued by the Public Works Department.


25.             An encroachment agreement shall be applied for and approved by the Public Works Department for all non-standard private improvements within the public right-of-way.


26.             Disruption caused by construction work along roadways and by movement of construction vehicles shall be minimized by proper use of traffic control equipment and flagmen. Traffic control and transportation of equipment and materials shall be conducted in accordance with state and local requirements.


27.             All vehicular access to the property shall be from the adjacent alley, unless otherwise approved by the City Council.


28.             In compliance with the requirements of Chapter 9.04, Section 901.4.4, of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, approved street numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a location that is plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the subject property. Said numbers shall be of non-combustible materials, shall contrast with the background and shall be either internally or externally illuminated to be visible at night. Numbers shall be no less than four inches in height with a one-inch wide stroke. The Planning Department plan check designee shall verify the installation of the approved street number or addresses during the plan check process for the new or remodeled structure.


29.             County Sanitation District fees shall be paid prior to issuance of any building permits, if required by the Public Works Department or the Building Department.


30.             This parcel map shall expire if the map has not been recorded within 3 years of the date of approval, unless an extension is granted by the Planning Director in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.16 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code.


Appeal Period


The Zoning Administrator’s decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 14 days of the action date. A $ 600.00 filing fee shall accompany any appeal filed. No building permits may be issued until the appeal period has expired.




      Zoning Administrator Javier S. Garcia, AICP




Attachments:  Vicinity Map


Appeared in Opposition:  None


Appeared in Support:  None





Parcel Map No. NP2007-015



720 and 720 ˝ Fernleaf Avenue