





Staff Person:

Javier S. Garcia, 644-3206

(949) 644-3200; FAX (949) 644-3229

Appeal Period:

14 days after approval date








Staff Approval No. SA2007-014 (PA2007-212)



Big Canyon Country Club

Site Address:


1 Big Canyon Drive

Legal Description:

APN 442-032-69


Request as Approved:


To extend the existing use permit for temporary use, from the original 30 days, beyond completion of the construction project to 365 days. Also included in the application is a request to waive the requirement for the filing of a new application. The property is located in the PC (Big Canyon Planned Community) District.



Section 20.91.055 A of the Newport Beach Municipal Code provides that the Planning Director may waive the requirement for a new use permit application if the changes are minor, do not involve substantial alterations or additions to the plans or the conditions of approval, and are consistent with the intent of the original approval.






1.                  The extension of the time period for removal of the temporary use of the converted cart storage facility will not increase or result in an intensification of use of the club facilities. The extension for a limited time period of 365 days for removal of the temporary use will allow additional time for the membership to decide proposed changes for the currently occupied cart storage building that is utilized for clubhouse related activities.


2.                  The temporary tent structure will continue to provide limited storage which houses the relocated cart storage facility.




1.                  The property owner shall notify the Planning Department prior to removal of the improvements that create or house the temporary facilities authorized by this Staff Approval.


2.                  The temporary facilities authorized by Use Permit No.2005-054 (PA2005-288), more specifically Condition of Approval No. 8 is modified to read as follows:


8.                  The temporary use is to provide facilities during the construction project and temporary use shall cease within 365 days 30 days of the final of the construction project. A building permit for removal of the temporary use amenities and facilities shall be obtained within 365 days 30 days of the final of the building permit for the new club house facilities. The use of the temporary facilities shall be allowed for a period not to exceed three years two years or 365 days 30 days after issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (or final of the building permit) for the tenant improvement permit issued by the Building Department. A 90 day 30 day extension to this approval may be granted, only if a written request is submitted prior to the expiration date, in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code.


3.                  The Planning Director or the Planning Commission may add to or modify conditions of approval to this Staff Approval, or revoke this permit upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this approval causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community.


The decision of the Planning Director may be appealed by the applicant or any interested party to the Planning Commission within 14 days of the decision date.  Any appeal filed shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $600.00.



On behalf of DAVID LEPO, Planning Director



By _____________________________

            Javier S. Garcia, AICP

            Zoning Administrator








Vicinity Map

Site Plan and Floor Plans on file in the Planning Department








On February 9, 2006, Use Permit No. UP2005-054 (PA2005-288) was approved to allow the conversion of the existing cart storage building into a temporary clubhouse facility for interim use during the construction of the new clubhouse facility. Also approved in the application was a request to allow the use of a temporary tent structure in the tennis courts for use as a cart storage facility. The duration of use was authorized for approximately 24 to 30 months or until the new clubhouse building is completed. An interim parking plan was also approved to address ingress, egress and parking for the temporary clubhouse facility and golf course patrons.


The subject use permit approval included the following condition of approval for the removal of the temporary facilities:


8.                  The temporary use is to provide facilities during the construction project and temporary use shall cease within 30 days of the final of the construction project. A building permit for removal of the temporary use amenities and facilities shall be obtained within 30 days of the final of the building permit for the new club house facilities. The use of the temporary facilities shall be allowed for a period not to exceed two years or 30 days after issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (or final of the building permit) for the tenant improvement permit issued by the Building Department. A 30-day extension to this approval may be granted, only if a written request is submitted prior to the expiration date, in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code.


The applicant proposes the following change to Condition of Approval No. 8 as proposed:


8.                  The temporary use is to provide facilities during the construction project and temporary use shall cease within 365 days 30 days of the final of the construction project. A building permit for removal of the temporary use amenities and facilities shall be obtained within 365 days 30 days of the final of the building permit for the new club house facilities. The use of the temporary facilities shall be allowed for a period not to exceed three years two years or 365 days 30 days after issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (or final of the building permit) for the tenant improvement permit issued by the Building Department. A 90 day 30 day extension to this approval may be granted, only if a written request is submitted prior to the expiration date, in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code.


The applicant requests to extend the temporary use authorized by Use Permit No. UP2005-054 (PA2005-288) to allow the use of the temporary facilities from 30 days to 365 days to provide adequate time for the club membership to decide on more permanent use of any portion of the cart storage building. The applicant also requests to waive the requirement for the filing of a new use permit application for the following reasons:


·        The proposed extension of time will not increase the membership or useage by the membership.

·        Assembly activities that occur within the authorized temporary faciilties will not occur concurrent with activities of the main facility.

·        The activities of the clubhouse will not be increased and the use of the temporary facility will be by the membership only.





Staff Approval No.  SA2007-014



1 Big Canyon Drive