



Planning Department

3300 Newport Boulevard



Newport Beach, CA 92663

(949) 644-3200; FAX (949) 644-3229

Staff Person:

Janet Johnson Brown

(949) 644-3236











Telecom Permit No. TP2006-003 (PA2006-025)



Cingular Wireless



1111 Camelback Street


Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 98-175, Book 304, Pages 5 & 6 of Parcel Maps, County of Orange





Cingular Wireless requests to modify an existing wireless telecommunications facility previously operated by AT&T. The project involves the removal of the existing support equipment cabinets from the roof of the building and the placement of new support equipment cabinets inside the existing storage facility building. No other changes will be made to the existing facility, including the retention of three omni antennas located on top of the building. The property is located in the PC-5 (North Ford Planned Community) District.




In approving this application, the Planning Director analyzed issues regarding compliance with Chapter 15.70 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. This approval is based on the findings and subject to the following conditions attached to this report.


The Planning Director determined in this case that the proposed wireless telecommunications facility (“telecom facility”) meets the provisions of Chapter 15.70 because the existing roof-mounted equipment cabinets will be removed and placed within the existing building.




The existing wireless telecom facility was originally installed by AT&T Wireless in August, 2000, and consisted of a single omni whip antenna and microcell equipment cabinet mounted on the roof of the existing building. In July, 2002, the facility was upgraded with the installation of two additional omni whip antennas and a new equipment cabinet on the roof.




The applicant may appeal any denial of the application or any conditions of approval to the City Council within 14 days of the date of written notification of action by the Planning Director. The City Council’s action on appeals shall be final. Any appeal filed shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $340.00.


On behalf of David Lepo, Planning Director




By _____________________________

            Janet Johnson Brown

            Assistant Planner





Vicinity Map

Findings and Conditions of Approval

Site Plan & Elevations









1111 Camelback Street



TP2006-003 (PA2006-025)



TP2006-003 (PA2006-025)




1.                                          The telecommunications facility as proposed meets the intent of Chapter 15.70 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code (NBMC), while ensuring public safety, reducing the visual effects of telecom equipment on public streetscapes, protecting scenic ocean and coastal views, and otherwise mitigating the impacts of such facilities for the following reasons:


·                    The existing telecom facility will not be detrimental to public health or safety because it is required to comply with the applicable rules, regulations and standards of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).

·                    The telecom facility is located on an existing building, and any future proposed facility to be located within 1,000 feet of the existing facility shall be required to co-locate on the same site to limit the adverse visual effects of proliferation of facilities in the City.

·                    Due to the location and design of the facility, there is no impact to public views.


2.                                          The telecommunications facility as proposed conforms to the technology, height, location and design standards for the following reasons:


·                    The telecom facility approved under this permit utilizes the most efficient and diminutive available technology in order to minimize the number of facilities and reduce the visual impact.

·                    The telecom facility approved by the permit does not exceed the maximum building height limit of 32 feet allowed in the PC Zoning District, as specified in the North Ford Planned Community Development regulations.

·                    The existing omni whip antennas for this telecom facility are roof-mounted on the building in a location and manner that lessens impacts to views from land or buildings at higher elevations.

            The support equipment cabinets for the existing telecom facility will be removed from the roof of the building and placed within the building.


3.                                          This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities).




1.                              The development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved plot plan, antenna and equipment plans, and elevations, except as noted in the following conditions.


2.                              Anything not specifically approved by this Telecom Permit is not permitted and must be addressed in a separate and subsequent Telecom Permit review.


3.                              The telecom facility approved by this permit shall comply with all applicable rules, regulations and standards of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).


4.                              Any future facilities proposed by other carriers to be located within 1,000 feet from the subject property shall be approved to co-locate at the same site by the property owner or authorized agent, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Director.


5.                              The telecom facility shall comply with all regulations and requirements of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code, Uniform Mechanical Code and National Electrical Code. All required permits shall be obtained prior to commencement of the construction.


6.                              Prior to the issuance of any building, mechanical and/or electrical permits, architectural drawings and structural design plans shall be submitted to the City of Newport Beach for review and approval by the applicable departments. A copy of this approval letter shall be incorporated into the drawings approved for the issuance of permits.


7.                              The existing equipment cabinets located on the roof of the existing building shall be removed, as noted on the plans approved by this telecom permit.


8.                              The new equipment cabinets shall be installed within the building along with other accessory equipment required for the operation of the wireless telecom facility. Future equipment cabinets may be added to the facility within the building as a part of this approval.


9.                              The three existing omni whip antennas shall remain installed on the roof of the building, as depicted on the plans approved by this telecom permit. Any future antennas proposed to be added to this existing telecom facility shall be subject to an application for a modification of this telecom permit.


10.                         Appropriate information warning signs or plates shall be posted at the access locations and each transmitting antenna. In addition, contact information (e.g. a telephone number) shall be provided on the warning signs or plates to arrange for access to the roof top area. The location of the information warning signs or plates shall be depicted on the plans submitted for construction permits.


11.                         No advertising signage or identifying logos shall be displayed on the telecom facility except for small identification, address, warning and similar information plates. A detail of the information plates depicting the language on the plate shall be included in the plans submitted for issuance of building permits.


12.                         The facility shall transmit at a frequency range of 869-880, 890-891, 1930-1935, 1945-1950, 1965-1970, and 1975-1980 MHz, and shall receive at a frequency range of 824-835, 845-846, 1850-1855, 1865-1870, 1885-1890, 1895-1900 MHz. Any change or alteration to the frequency range shall require the prior review and approval of the Planning Director.


13.                         Prior to the issuance of any permits to install the facility, the applicant shall meet in good faith to coordinate the use of frequencies and equipment with the Communications Division of the Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department to minimize, to the greatest extent possible, any interference with the public Safety 800 MHz Countywide Coordinated Communications System (CCCS). Similar consideration shall be given to any other existing or proposed wireless communications facility that may be located on the subject property. The applicant shall provide the Planning Department with documentation from the OCSCD that the meeting has taken place.


            The applicant recognizes that the frequencies used by the cellular facility located at 1111 Camelback Street are extremely close to the frequencies used by the City of Newport Beach for public safety. This proximity will require extraordinary “comprehensive advanced planning and frequency coordination” engineering measures to prevent interference, especially in the choice of frequencies and radio ancillary hardware. This is encouraged in the “Best Practices Guide” published by the Association of Public-safety Communications Officials-International, Inc. (APCO), and as endorsed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).


14.                         The applicant shall not prevent the City of Newport Beach from having adequate spectrum capacity on the City’s 800 MHz radio frequencies at any time.


15.                         Prior to activation of facility, the applicant shall submit to a post-installation test to confirm that “advanced planning and frequency coordination” of the facility was successful in not interfering with the City’s Public Safety radio equipment. This test will be conducted by the Communications Division of the Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department or a Division-approved contractor at the expense of the applicant. This post-installation testing process shall be repeated for every proposed frequency addition and/or change to confirm the intent of the “frequency planning” process has been met.


16.                         Prior to activation of the facility, the applicant shall submit a letter to the Planning Director prepared by the Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department indicating that the OCSD has reviewed the results of the post-installation test and that the facility will not cause interference with the City’s Public Safety radio equipment.


17.                         Within 30 days after installation of the telecom facility, a radio frequency (RF) compliance and radiation report prepared by a qualified RF engineer acceptable to the City shall be submitted in order to demonstrate that the facility is operating at the approved frequency and complies with FCC standards for radiation. If the report shows that the facility does not so comply, the use of the facility shall be suspended until the facility is modified to comply and a new report has been submitted confirming such compliance.


18.                         Prior to issuance of building permits, a deposit of $1,000 shall be paid to the City of Newport Beach. This deposit is required by the Planning Department to ensure preparation and submittal of the RF Compliance and Radiation Report, referenced in the above Condition. The deposit will be used to defray any and all fees associated with review of the report by an independent technical consultant, pursuant to Section 15.70.070 B-10 of the Telecom Ordinance. Any unused deposit fees will be refunded to the applicant upon determination of compliance with the approved frequency and FCC standards.


19.                         The applicant shall provide a “single point of contact” in its Engineering and Maintenance Departments that is monitored 24 hours per day to insure continuity on all interference issues, and to which interference problems may be reported. The name, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of that person shall be provided to the Planning Department and Newport Beach Police Department’s Support Services Commander prior to activation of the facility.


20.                         Should interference with the City’s Public Safety radio equipment occur, use of the facility shall be suspended until the radio frequency is corrected and verification of the compliance is reported.


21.                         The applicant shall insure that lessee or other user(s) shall comply with the terms and conditions of this permit, and shall be responsible for the failure of any lessee or other users under the control of the applicant to comply.


22.                         Should the property be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the applicant, current property owner or leasing agent.


23.                         The telecom facility approved by the permit shall comply with any easements, covenants, conditions or restrictions on the underlying real property upon which the facility is located.


24.                         The telecom facility shall not be lighted except as deemed necessary by the Newport Beach Police Department for security lighting. The night lighting shall be at the lowest intensity necessary for that purpose and such lighting shall be shielded so that direct rays do not shine on nearby properties. Prior to the final of building permits, the applicant shall schedule an evening inspection by the Code Enforcement Division to confirm compliance with this condition.


25.                         The operator of the telecom facility shall maintain the facility in a manner consistent with the original approval of the facility.


26.                         The City reserves the right and jurisdiction to review and modify any telecom permit approved pursuant to Chapter 15.70 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, including the conditions of approval, based on changed circumstances. The operator shall notify the Planning Department of any proposal to change the height or size of the facility; increase the size, shape or number of antennas; change the facility’s color or materials or location on the site; or increase the signal output above the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits imposed by the radio frequency emissions guidelines of the FCC. Any changed circumstance shall require the operator to apply for a modification of the original telecom permit and obtain the modified telecom permit prior to implementing any change.


27.                         This telecom permit may be modified or revoked by the City Council should they determine that the facility or operator has violated any law regulating the telecom facility or has failed to comply with the requirements of Chapter 15.70 of the NBMC, or this telecom permit.


28.                         Any operator who intends to abandon or discontinue use of a telecom facility must notify the Planning Director by certified mail no less than 30 days prior to such action. The operator or property owner shall have 90 days from the date of abandonment or discontinuance to reactivate use of the facility, transfer the rights to use the facility to another operator, or remove the telecom facility and restore the site.