650 Newport Center Drive - PIMCO Office Tower
Project: 650 Newport Center Drive – PIMCO Office Tower
Project Start Date: March 2011
Target Completion Date: July 2013 to January 2014
Description: A 20-story (295 feet high) office tower containing approximately 398,846 square feet of floor area. The project includes the demolition of a portion of an existing parking structure and the construction of a new, 8-level parking structure (4 levels below grade and 4 levels above grade).
Site amenities include:
- Canary Island Palm trees surrounded by a low hedge will be located on 2 sides of the tower and a large specimen tree will be centered in the Auto Court
- Lawn area in front of the building facing Newport Center Drive
- Ample outdoor seating around the base of the tower for outdoor enjoyment
Use: Office
Occupancy Classification: B
Type of Construction: IA (Fire Sprinkler Thru-Out)
Footprint: 19,728 sf (Ground Floor projected area)
Shadow Study link
“The analysis shows that, based on thresholds identified by the City, no impact will occur to the residences during the relevant timeframes.”