Three (3) study rooms are available at the Central Library for groups of 2-5 people, depending on the size and requirements of each specific room. These rooms are for small group use only and are not intended for individual use.
The library schedules these rooms daily on a first come, first serve basis. Groups must request a use of a study room in person at the Reference Desk on the second floor of the Central Library. The library will not accept telephone or e-mail requests to use the study rooms. Customers may only schedule one study room session at a time, and must wait until their current session is over before scheduling a new session. Reservations for Study Rooms will be honored for 10 minutes past the requested time. Failure to arrive within 10 minutes of the requested time will result in a forfeiture of the reserved room.
Study rooms are available for use Monday thru Sunday for up to two (2) hours during the library's hours of operation. Groups can extend the length of their session if no other groups are waiting to use a room. Groups must go to the reference desk before their scheduled session.
At least one member of a group requesting a study room must have a valid Newport Beach Public Library card. Rooms are checked out to a library card holder in the library’s circulation system. The members of the group scheduling use of the study room must be present during the period of usage. The library will consider any study room occupied by only one member of the group for more than 10 minutes to be available for use by others.
The library will consider any study room left unattended for more than 10 minutes to be available for use by others. The library will consider items left unattended to be lost and will place them in the library's Lost and Found located on the first floor at the Customer Service desk.
Users of the study rooms are responsible for leaving the rooms in a neat and orderly condition. Failure to do so may result in the denial of future requests to use a study room. Users may not move tables and chairs into or remove them from a study room. Users cannot tape or tack materials to study room walls or windows. The library is not responsible for items left unattended.