Submit Your Own Map
ALL MAP SUBMITTALS ARE DUE BY 5:30 PM December 6, 2021
The public is invited to participate in the redistricting process using the following options to submit their own version. The main objective is to balance the population within the 7 Council Districts while avoiding splitting Homeowners Associations (HOAs) neighborhoods and, other communities of common interest.
What is the Population Target for Each Council District?
The Census 2020 population for the City of Newport Beach is 85,338. Each district must have essentially equal population. The population of each of the seven (7) districts must be close to 12,191, with no more than a 1,219 (10%) difference between the largest and smallest districts.
OPTION 1 - Online Interactive Mapping Application (DRA)
This option will allow you to add and remove district areas by census block groups and census blocks. The population and deviation will calculate automatically as you adjust your map. Once complete, you can send a link of your map to the City for the City Council Ad Hoc Redistricting Committee to review.
STEP 1: Create an Account - (See Screenshot for Instructions) - After you create an account, click on the following links:
PLEASE NOTE: Application may take a few moments before loading (it is normal to see the State of California for a about 5 seconds before it zooms into Newport Beach.)
STEP 2: Start With Blank Map of the City or Start with Current Council Districts
STEP 3: Follow the Tutorial - When Completed, email your map link to
OPTION 2- Manually Calculate and Draw District Boundaries
Copies of this map will be available at City Hall 1B - Community Development Department, the main library and the local branches. Please download the Redistricting 2021 Worksheet here and follow the instructions.