Citizen Participation
There are many ways for citizens to participate and engage in their city’s government activities. Citizens can serve on one of the City’s many boards, commissions or committees; attend City Council and other civic meetings; register and participate in the many recreation programs and community events; use the many services offered through the City’s Library system; and more.
The City of Newport Beach has many boards, commissions, and committees. To learn more about these volunteer opportunities, please visit our board, commissions and committees web page and watch for announcements for when the City is seeking applications to fill vacancies.
Each month there are numerous community meetings that are open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend and participate. The City's calendar lists all meetings and includes the place, time and location of each event. Agendas and minutes are posted when they become available, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting per the Brown Act.
If you are looking for educational or recreational activities, there are programs and events for all ages offered through our Recreation and Senior Services Department and the Library Services Department.
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is designed to prepare you to help yourself, your family, and your neighbors in the event of a catastrophic disaster. New training classes are formed each year for volunteers to be trained to help themselves, their family, and their neighbors following an unexpected disasters by developing a plan, organizing their neighborhoods and taking care of basic medical needs.
The Police Department offers the Citizens' Police Academy to local residents. This twelve-week program provides an understanding of the Police Department's operations. Students will learn from department personnel who are experts in the areas of SWAT, K-9, narcotics, major crimes, patrol and helicopter operations, traffic laws, firearms and other related fields. All students get to participate in practical demonstrations and a ride-along sometime during the session.
Visit our volunteer opportunities page for additional information to get involved with your community.
Please note: The City strives to be compliant with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and we have designated coordinators and procedures in place to ensure access to individuals with disabilities.