Vacancy Announcements
The City of Newport Beach is currently accepting applications to fill the following vacancy:
• Newport Coast Advisory Committee (NCAC)
One opening for a resident of Newport Coast (nominated by the Mayor for a three-year term)
All applicants must be qualified electors of the City, none of whom shall hold any paid office or employment in City government (Section 702 of the City Charter).
Applications will be accepted until the vacancy is filled.
The City of Newport Beach is currently accepting applications to fill the following unscheduled vacancies:
The City of Newport Beach is currently accepting applications to fill one (1) unscheduled vacancy for the:
Resident of Newport Coast seat on the:
(six-year term, expiring June 30, 2029)
The Aviation Committee meets as required or on a quarterly basis, at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach.
Applications will be accepted until the vacancy is filled.
The City of Newport Beach is currently accepting applications to fill one (1) unscheduled vacancy on the:
Water Quality/Coastal Tidelands Committee
(four-year term, expiring June 30, 2025)
All applicants must be qualified electors of the City, none of whom shall hold any paid office or employment in City government (Section 702 of the City Charter).
Applications will be accepted until Monday, July 1, 2024, or until the vacancy is filled.
The City of Newport Beach is currently accepting applications to fill four (4) unscheduled vacancies on the:
General Plan Advisory Committee
(term is for the duration of the General Plan update process)
All applicants must be qualified electors of the City, none of whom shall hold any paid office or employment in City government (Section 702 of the City Charter).
Applications will be accepted until Wednesday, September 25, 2024, or until the vacancies are filled.
The City of Newport Beach is currently accepting applications to fill one (1) unscheduled vacancy on the:
(term expires June 30, 2027)
All applicants must be qualified electors of the City, none of whom shall hold any paid office or employment in City government (Section 702 of the City Charter).
Applications will be accepted until Thursday, September 26, 2024, or until the vacancies are filled.
Newport Beach residents can download an application for the City's Boards and Commissions or one can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office, 100 Civic Center Drive (Bay E, 2nd Floor) or by calling 949-644-3005. To email a PDF of your application to the City Clerk's Office, please email Additional information about the Boards and Commissions can also be accessed through the City’s website at