Planning Commission
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Please Note: All mail or written communications (including email) from the public, residents, or applicants regarding an agenda item must be submitted by 5 p.m. on the business day immediately prior to the meeting. This allows time for the Planning Commission to adequately consider the submitted correspondence.
The Planning Commission has the following duties as established by Section 707 of the City Charter:
A. After a public hearing thereon, recommended to the City Council the adoption, amendment or repeal of a Master Plan, or any part thereof, for the physical development of the City;
B. Exercise such control over land subdivisions as is granted to it by ordinance not inconsistent with the provisions of the Charter;
C. Exercise such functions with respect to zoning and land use as may be prescribed by ordinance not inconsistent with the provisions the Charter.
Committee Authorization
City Charter, Article VII, Sections 706/707
Rules of Procedures of the Planning Commission
If you have any suggestions, ideas, complaints, etc., please email the Planning Division
Frequency of Meetings
Twice per month on the Thursday preceding City Council meetings unless otherwise noticed.
Email all Planning Commissioners (Community Development Director Seimone Jurjis is included on this email)
Appointed | Reappointed | Term Expires | |
Mark Rosene, Chair 949-463-1328 | | 06-29-19 | 06-27-23 | 06-30-27 |
Tristan Harris, Vice Chair 949-230-1496 | |
06-28-22 | 06-30-26 | |
David Salene, Secretary 714-745-6546 | | 06-27-23 | 06-30-27 | |
Curtis Ellmore 949-433-6899 | | 11-27-18 | 06-25-24 | 06-30-28 |
Jon Langford 949-322-5333
02-28-23 |
06-25-24 |
06-30-28 |
Lee Lowrey 949-566-8165 |
06-27-17 | 06-22-21 | 06-30-25 | |
Greg Reed 949-275-6939 | | 02-25-25 | 06-30-25 |
Length of Term for Members
The seven members of the commission serve for a term of four years
Seimone Jurjis |
Assistant City Manager/Community Development Director | |
Staff Support
Staff allocates approximately 25 hours per month to this commission.