Dog License
Every person who keeps a dog older than four months for more than thirty (30) days in the City will need to obtain a dog license. A dog license can be purchased for up to one year. A dog cannot be licensed longer than the remaining term of the dog’s rabies vaccination. To obtain a license, dog owners must furnish the following information: the owner’s name, address and telephone number, the breed, approximate age, color and sex of the animal, and a current rabies vaccination certificate. The license fee is reduced for spayed or neutered dogs. If an animal has been spayed or neutered, proof from a veterinarian is required.
To obtain a dog license in Newport Beach, you can submit an application and payment at the front desk of the police department, at the Customer Service/Cashier at the Civic Center in Bay A, or at the Newport Beach Animal Shelter. The dog license tag will be issued on site. Applications may also be submitted online at If you do not have internet access, an application can be mailed to you by calling the Revenue Division at 949-644-3141. If you submit your application online, the license tag will be mailed to you from Pet Data, our dog license service provider. All license tags must be worn by the dog when in public. If you need additional information, please call the Newport Beach Animal Shelter at 949-718-3454.