AnchoragesHarbor anchorage is located between Lido Island and Bay Island. Marked by four yellow buoys, the anchorage offers a minimum depth of approximately 10 feet with good holding mud. Most boats swing on one anchor, so position yourself carefully with neighboring boats and to avoid swinging outside the marked boundaries. Use of Newport Harbor's anchorage is limited to 72 hours. Extension of up to 48 hours may be granted with the approval of the Harbormaster. Boats may not be left unattended in the evenings or during inclement weather. Use of the anchorage is free of charge (for vessels under 80 feet). Notify the Harbor Department upon arrival. Raft-Ups in Anchorage Raft-Ups in the anchorage area are only permitted via a signed and approved raft-up application (permit fees also apply). Applications must be submitted to the Harbor Department at least 30-days prior to the proposed event. Typically, only raft-ups of twelve or fewer vessels will be considered, with no more than two raft-ups to be considered per calendar day. The City's Harbormaster may choose to approve applications submitted later than 30 days in advance on a case-by-case, space availability basis. |
Public Anchorage Brochure |
Anchoring Outside the Harbor Entrance Anchoring is allowed just outside the harbor entrance off Corona del Mar State Beach, immediately outside the East Jetty. Anchorage in this area is subject to the rules listed below. Failure to follow these rules may result in your vessel being impounded.
Depths range from 20 to 30 feet with fair holding in the sand and rock. This scenic anchorage is pleasant in good conditions, but can put you on a dangerous lee shore when the weather blows. Stay clear of the marked swimming area. |
Office Location:Marina Park Community and Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. |