Charter Section 423 Statistical Area Tracking Tables
Charter Section 423 – Approved General Plan Amendments
As required by Section 423 of the City Charter, the Planning Division tracks development limits increases approved by general plan amendments for a period of ten years. If a proposed amendment exceeds the established thresholds of 40,000 square feet of non-residential development or 100 dwelling units or 100 AM peak hour traffic trips or 100 PM peak hour traffic trips on its own or, when combined with 80% of previously approved General Plan amendment(s) located in the same Statistical Area, the amendment is considered a “major amendment”. Approval or denial of a “major amendment” is determined by a vote of the electorate.
City Charter Section 423
Guidelines for Implementing Charter Section 423 (Measure S Guidelines)
Statistical Area Map
Charter Section423 Tracking Tables:
Statistical Area A2
Statistical Area A3
Statistical Area B1
Statistical Area B5
Statistical Area D1
Statistical Area D2
Statistical Area D3
Statistical Area D4
Statistical Area F1
Statistical Area F3
Statistical Area H1
Statistical Area H4
Statistical Area J5
Statistical Area J6
Statistical Area L1
Statistical Area L2
Statistical Area L3
Statistical Area L4
For More information, please contact Jaime Murillo, AICP, Planning Manager at 949-644-3209 or