Expanded Residential Recycling
In 2016, the State of California adopted Senate Bill 1383, which requires all cities to reduce the amount of organic waste sent to landfills and improve the quality of recyclables headed for processing. The City of Newport Beach and its waste contractor, CR&R Environmental Services, have implemented these new state mandates and other residential improvements in winter and spring 2022.
Here's How the Changes will Affect Newport Beach Households
- Phase 1: Mandatory Recycling Cart Separation - While more than 75% of Newport Beach households currently separate recyclables into blue-top carts, the practice has (until now) been voluntary. Under SB 1383, recycling will become mandatory for all households throughout the state beginning in 2022. CR&R has been distributing blue-top recycling carts to the remaining Newport Beach residences that do not have them. All residents are required to place clean recyclables in the blue-top carts to further help our community and the environment.
- Phase 2: Collection Route Improvements - In January 2022, the City entered into new waste and recycling contract with CR&R to cover the expanded recycling program. The new contract proposes some collection route changes to increase efficiencies and reduce disruption to neighborhoods. The route changes reduce the total number of miles driven by collection trucks, reduce the total number of daily truck routes, decrease the number of left turns, and avoid high-traffic areas. The change reduces noise, traffic and air pollution from collection trucks. Some residents may have their collection days adjusted as a result, in February 2022. The City and CR&R has notified residents in advance if their home will have trash and recycling collected on a different day of the week.
- Phase 3: Yard Waste and Food (Organics) Recycling - SB1383 also mandates residential recycling of organic waste, which include grass clippings, yard waste, food and kitchen scraps, and food soiled paper. Beginning in February 2022, all Newport Beach households will receive a green-top cart for organic waste. Residents may also opt into receiving a two-gallon pail to collect organic materials in the kitchen. Please be on the lookout for the green-top organic recycling cart and organic recycling guide, which will be distributed February through April of 2022. The program is expected to collect more than 500 tons of organic materials a month, which would otherwise be sent to landfills, and convert it to high-quality compost. Because organic waste in landfills creates methane gas, the program will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 1,200 tons every year. CR&R will use split-body trucks for alley collection on the Peninsula and Balboa Island and in Corona del Mar, which will reduce the need for additional truck trips by collecting recyclables and green waste at the same time.
- Phase 4: Additional Charges for Extra Service - All households will be allowed one trash cart, up to two recycling carts, and one organics cart at no additional charge (trash collection fees are paid entirely by the City, and residents pay a recycling fee that offsets the City’s costs). Beginning in July 2022, any additional carts will be available for an extra charge, billed on a quarterly basis. Cart rollout service (where carts are moved to the street for collection by CR&R workers and returned empty) will also be available for an additional charge. Disabled residents will continue to receive cart rollout service for free with proof of disability. To help keep our streets and waterways clean, residents will be required to put all trash and recyclables in the proper carts without overfilling. In April 2022, the City completed its cart rollout, and all households should now have a recycling cart. If you have not received your cart, contact CR&R Customer Service at 949-667-4158.
What Goes Where
KITCHEN FOOD SCRAP PAIL (Available Upon Request)The Kitchen Food Scrap Pail makes it easy for residents to collect food scraps in their kitchen before going into the green cart. Only food scraps that you would be able to dispose of in your green cart should go in the bin. Do not place pet waste in your food scrap pail. Place pet waste in the black-top trash cart. Compostable bags, newspaper or brown paper bags may be used to line the food scrap pail and may go into the organics cart with the food scraps. Compostable bags are available from local retailers. Other types of plastic bags should not be used to line the food scrap pail and are not allowed in the organics cart. To request a kitchen food scrap pail, please contact CR&R's Customer Service Department at 949-667-4158 or newportbeach-recycles@crrmail.com. |
Expanded Recycling Program Frequently Asked Questions
Please click here to view a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the newly expanded program.
How to Place Materials in your Recycling Cart
Clean and dry recyclable items should be placed loose in your recycling cart. Do not bag your materials. Items will be sorted at the Material Recovery Facility (MRF).
Tips to Prevent Recycling Cart Contamination
- Rinse jars to remove food waste.
- Empty liquids from bottles before placing them in your recycling cart.
- Do not place organic material or food waste in your recycling cart.
- Place plastic utensils, plastic bags and mixed products (containing paper/plastic or metal/plastic) in your black-top trash cart.
- Place pet waste in the black-top trash cart.
Recycling Service Day
Your recycling service day will be on the same day as your trash collection. Some residents may have their collection days adjusted as a result, beginning around February 2022. The City and CR&R will notify residents in advance about any changes to home trash and recycling schedules.
If you have not yet received your new carts, would like to exchange cart sizes or have any questions about the program or your service, please contact CR&R's Customer Service Department at 949-667-4158 or newportbeach-recycles@crrmail.com.
Where to Place Your Carts on Collection Day
- The carts should be placed at the curbside no later than 6:30 a.m. on collection day and removed from the curbside within 12 hours after service.
- Place your carts with the handles and wheels facing your home.
- Place carts side-by-side approximately one foot apart and at least three feet from any obstruction (e.g., vehicles, fire hydrants, trees or mailboxes).
- Place all waste and recycling material in the carts. Break down cardboard boxes in your recycling cart to save space. CR&R will not pick up items left outside of the carts. Do not overfill the carts.
- If you have bulky items that need to be picked up or need additional carts on a regular basis, please call CR&R's customer service at 949-667-4158 or email csnewport@crrmail.com.
Special Cart Service Available for Residents with Disabilities
Residents with disabilities who need assistance placing their carts curbside each week can get free assistance upon request. Drivers will remove carts from your cart storage area and return emptied carts. Proof of disability and need will be required. If you do not meet the requirements for free cart pull-out service, you can request for-fee "valet" service by contacting CR&R's Customer Service for additional information and rates. The number to call is 949-667-4158, or you may email csnewport@crrmail.com.
Reschedule a Missed Pickup
Call CR&R at 949-667-4158 to report a missed pickup on the same day to arrange for a return pickup.
Create a Web-Pak Account
CR&R does not directly bill for trash, recycling and organics services, therefore residents will need to create a Web-Pak account in order to access services provided by CR&R.
Once a Web-Pak account is created, residents will have the opportunity to schedule and request the following services:
- Bulky Item Pickup
- Exchange Size(s) of Cart(s)
- Removal of Unneeded Cart(s)
- Delivery of Additional Cart(s)
- Request Standard or Premium Valet Services
To create a Web-Pak account, please visit https://oss.crrinc.com.
Non-Containerized Waste Charges
All trash, recycling and organics items that are not placed in CR&R provided wheeled carts are considered Non-Containerized Waste. Beginning May 1, 2022, residents who have Non-Containerized Waste are subject to a fee of $2.47 for each instance after the first documented warning. Please note that the only instance where Non-Containerized Waste is acceptable is for Bulky Item Pickups. Bulky Item Pickups may be requested through your Web-Pak account.
Per City of Newport Beach Municipal Code 6.04.080, persistent issues of Non-Containerized Waste may be referred to the City for enforcement.
Extra Carts Charge
All residents are provided the following at no charge:
- Black Trash Cart: choice between two (2) 32-gallon trash carts, one (1) 64-gallon trash cart, or one (1) 96-gallon trash cart;
- Blue Recycling Carts: one (1) or two (2) recycling carts of any size; and
- Green Organics Cart: one (1) organics cart of any size.
Cart size options include 32-gallon, 64-gallon, and 96-gallon.
Residents who would like additional carts or already possess additional carts at their residence will be charged a nominal fee:
- Extra Black Trash Cart: $6.24/month
- Extra Blue Recycling Cart: $3.50/month
- Extra Green Organics Cart: $4.22/month
To verify your current cart services, request a removal or addition of carts to your account, please log into your Web-Pak account.
If you have extra carts that are not needed, please schedule the removal of the extra cart(s) on your Web-Pak account by April 20, 2022. The extra charges go into effect on May 1, 2022.
Cart Retrieval (Valet) Service Charges
For an additional charge, residents can request Valet Cart Services. Service includes retrieving and returning carts from a backyard or side yard. To request valet service, please log into your Web-Pak account.:
- Standard Valet Cart Service: A CR&R helper will move one or more carts within a distance over eight feet (8') and up to fifteen feet (15') to where the truck is stationed. $8.52/month
- Premium Valet Cart Service: A CR&R helper will move one or more carts over a distance of fifteen feet (15') to where the truck is stations. $28.37/month
For customers with a disability, cart retrieval services are provided at no additional charge. Proof of disability is required.
Learn More
Visit CR&R's website at crrwasteservices.com for more information about your recycling program and to opt-in to receive news and updates from CR&R.