Saturday, April 29th @ 2 pm
Isabel Wilkerson
The Great Migration and Immigration
Between 1915 and 1970, more than 6 million African-Americans moved out of the South to cities across the Northeast, Midwest and West in what later became known as “The Great Migration.” As immigration has become a more urgent topic in the U.S. and around the world, Isabel Wilkerson will explore how the Great Migration and immigration today resemble each other, where they intersect and how they differ.
Wilkerson won the Pulitzer Prize for her work as Chicago Bureau Chief of The New York Times, making her the first black woman in the history of American journalism to win a Pulitzer Prize and the first African-American to win for individual reporting. She has appeared on national programs such as CBS' 60 Minutes, NPR's Fresh Air and PBS' NewsHour and Charlie Rose Show.
This event is sponsored by the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation
Tickets Required
Phone: 949.548.2411
email: events@nbplfoundation.org
website: www.nbplfoundation.org
Age Level: Adults
More info: www.nbplfoundation.org