Reserve a spot to bring your collectible books and other works on paper to be appraised by rare book specialist, Greg Jung, from San Francisco's PBA Galleries. This event is presented by the Friends of the Newport Beach Library.
*An appointment is required and must be maid by emailing nblibfriend@gmail.com. Please specify morning or afternoon. There is a 4 item limit per membership.
Free for all Friends of the Library members. Non-members $10 or sign up now for special $10 yearly membership and entrance is FREE.
About the Appraiser:
Greg Jung joined PBA in 2008 with more than two decades of experience in the rare book business that included 5 years managing of one of America’s oldest and largest rare and secondhand book stores in the book-rich Philadelphia suburbs. Greg has also operated shops of his own in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco. As the son of a bibliophile and auctioneer he has been surrounded by collectible books and auctions his entire life. In recent years he has taken the podium himself as the newest of our auctioneers.
While experienced with all areas of book collecting, from incunabula to modern first editions, Greg has particular interest in finely printed and illustrated books of the 19th and 20th centuries, Americana, and early printed books.