In celebration of National Library Week, Newport Beach Public Library hosts a special program with Annie Spence, author of Dear Fahrenheit 451: Love and Heartbreak in the Stacks: A Librarian’s Love Letters and Break Up Notes to the Books in Her Life,
Librarian Anne Spence composed letters to books in her head for years—on the job as a public librarian in the Midwest, She put these letters down in words in her hilarious, heart-warming book, DEAR FAHRENHEIT 451: Love and Heartbreak in the Stacks (Flatiron Books, Hardcover). This collection of letters and reading lists will take readers on a tour of dog-eared favorites and never-been-checked-out relics destined for the free book bin. If you are a reader, you will love it!
Annie Spence is a librarian for the 21st century, breaking stereotypes about shushing cat ladies and reminding us that libraries provide free access to knowledge (and, yes, the internet). Her poignant letters celebrate librarians, libraries, and reading, which, Annie shows us, are all here to stay.
Admission is free. Seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis, limited by room capacity. Books will be available for purchase and signing.