Attitude, Simulations, and Whimsy: Artist Book as Object

The Newport Beach City Arts Commission presents “Attitude, Simulations, and Whimsy: Artist Book as Object,” a special exhibit featuring the work of 22 University of California Irvine art students, at the Newport Beach Public Library from April 11 through May 11.
As part of their curriculum, students researched the history and creative production of the artist's books at the special collections department of UCI’s Langson Library. They explored the infinite possibilities of constructing and organizing data, or in some cases, interweaving visual narratives using unusual materials, color, line, and form. Their reinterpretations of the artist’s book take many different forms from sculpted trees to unique containers.
Student Participants:
Ray Abrina
Xiongfeng Xu
Shamina Ahmed
Dallas Makena Yamane
Zyanya Arellano Martinez
Qinmei Yu
Xi Chen
Angelo Yu
Abigail Reed Coffing
Norbert Tsi
Amanda Dang
Arturo Vizcaino Cortes
Brion Anthony Kerry
Meimei Woo
Sarah Ann Khawaja
Chance Cooper Woods
Max Patterson
Suki Xia
Viviana Romero-Ramirez
Qiruui Xin
Feifei Shen
Lingrong Xu
You are invited to attend the exhibition opening reception on Saturday, April 13, from 2 - 4 p.m. on the second floor of the Central Library.

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