Start-Ups fail at a very high rate. There is a lot more to starting a business then getting a name, license and location. Follow these steps and it will help to insure success. Learn what to focus on and how to overcome common obstacles. Mistakes cost money and can bury your business early on. Step by Step guideline.
- Basic Startup Requirements
- Startup or Buy Existing
- Creating a Workable Plan
- Financing & Projections
- Legal Forms of Organization
- Hiring & Training
Barry Mc Kinley of SCORE has started, owned & operated 10 different companies in 5 different industries. He sold each of the companies to investors, employees and competitors including Fortune 1000 companies. With his vast experience he has been involved in all segments of business, from hiring, financing to sales and promotions, and has counseled over 2,100 SCORE clients.
(Registration/Check-in 5:30 to 6:00 PM)
This series of business workshops is generously funded by Friends of the Library.
Age Level: Adults
For more information or to register for this workshop please visit the SCORE website.