The Newport Beach City Arts Commission presents a sculpture exhibition by Cindy English Gillis, on display at the Newport Beach Central Library gallery.
Cindy English Gillis creates bird sculptures from wood, driftwood and other natural pieces from nature. The objects usually have a shape, color or texture that inspires her.
“My reason for creating these birds is to capture the essence, through shape, movement and gracefulness. My intent is not to replicate but, to present, a three dimensional interpretation of what I am creating. These sculptures include Great Blue Herons, Egrets, Hummingbirds, Sparrows, Sanderlings and even a Swan.”
Gillis began her artistic career at the age of 26 when she began painting birds with watercolor. In 1997 she received a BA in interior design, and then went on to work with her husband’s firm, Gillis & Associates Architects, which specialized in public works projects. After her retirement in 2010, Gillis began creating jewelry and driftwood bird sculpture with the things she found along the way, a journey that has been a rewarding one that she look forward to every day with joy and passion.
The exhibition will be on display January 6 through March 6, 2020, during library operating hours.

(Elegant Great Blue Heron in Flight, Sanderlings Racing to the Water's Edge and Great Blue Heron Poised by Cindy English Gillis)
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