Join Us September 8th for NMPL’s International Literacy Day Celebration
All of us are excited that we will be able to host International Literacy Day (ILD), LIVE, at the Newport Beach Public Library. This is one of our favorite events of the year so be sure to mark your calendar to join us for this special day of celebration that honors the learners in our program.
In 1966, UNESCO proclaimed September 8th as International Literacy Day to remind the global community of the importance of literacy for individuals, communities and societies, and the need for intensified efforts towards more literate societies. All of the volunteers at NMPL work hard to fulfill this directive, and the results are evident by the wonderful accomplishments by our learners.
One of the highlights of International Literacy day is the announcement of the Rochelle Hoffman Memorial award. Rochelle was a beloved tutor in the program until her death in 2004. Her family and friends started this award in Rochelle's honor to recognize one special learner for their outstanding achievements in their literacy efforts. Because of Rochelle's thoughtful family and friends, the chosen learner is presented with a generous cash award.
Another highlight of ILD is the distribution of a book of learner's writings. In Our Own Words is a collection of stories, essays, poems, and other writings that the learners in the program have worked on throughout the year. This year's edition is sure to be extra special as Hilda, one of our learners, who is an accomplished graphic artist, has offered to design the book.
A light brunch will be served. We look forward to seeing you on September 8th at 10am in the Friends Meeting Room at the Library.

For questions please contact us at: (949) 717-3874 or by email at Literacy@newportbeachca.gov