It's Your Money: Fixed Income Investing
This annual eight-week series of workshops provides attendees with education and practical solutions to financial and estate planning issues, so they can be in charge of their estates during their lifetimes and beyond.
These free workshops are presented as a community service—for education only. Nothing will be sold, and professional advisors will not be given attendees’ contact information.
Series moderator is Peter Kote, award-winning founder of Professional Fiduciary Services, which provides trustee, executor services and charitable counseling for individuals and organizations. He will lead these workshops with the assistance of other financial experts.
Mondays 10:00am - 11:30am. Everyone welcome. Free to public. Suggested donation: $15.
Presented by the NBPL Foundation
Workshop Schedule
Introduction and New Tax Law
Sales Game; An Insider Tale
Financial Planning l
Financial Planning ll
Medical Care Planning
Equity Investing
Fixed Income Investing
The Big Take Away & Contest
Peter Kote/Mark Prendergast/Mark Rutter
Wes Long
Laura Tarbox
Laura Tarbox
Peter Kote/Lee-Anne Godfrey
Mark Hebner
Scott Anderson/Julianna Bray
Neal Rutter/Patrick Stark/Mark Rylance/John Prichard