Social Security and Medicare Made Clear
Thinking about your Social Security or Medicare Benefits? Government has made so many changes to the plans in the recent years. Have questions or concerns? You need to attend this workshop!
Thousands of "Baby Boomers" turn 65 every single day and are eligible for Social Security and Medicare. However, many are confused about when they should apply, which plan makes the most sense to their situations, how they should take it, and how they can make the most out of it... and if you or your spouse or any associates are one of those people (ages 62-70), this is a great opportunity to get answers and make it clear. Social Security is a major source of income, and Medicare is the only health insurance after age 65 for lots of American retirees. Attending this workshop will help you plan for the future and likely give you some peace of mind.
Mandy Woo of SCORE and Ecy O’Roake, United Health Care Agent / Adviser present this workshop.
Mandy Woo is a Certified Financial Planner and business owner herself. She has helped individuals, families and small business owners achieve their financial goals through customized, comprehensive, strategic financial planning for over 13 years. Mandy holds a Bachelor Degree in Investment Finances and a Master Degree in Taxation. She also holds General Security, Insurance, and Investment Advisor licenses.
Ecy O’Roake is passionate about health care services base on her personal family background. She is an advocate for quality home care and health care programs. Currently Ecy is a licensed agent with United Health Care and Certified to offer Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Supplement Plans as well as Part D Prescription Drug plans. Ecy works with people that are turning 65 years of age and new to Medicare, people who are retiring and those that need extra help understanding their choices when it comes to Medicare. In addition to the English language, she is also fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. She is very active in OC community to educate doctors and patients about Medicare.
(Registration/Check-in 5:30 to 6:00 PM)
This series of business workshops is generously funded by the NBPL Foundation.
Age Level: Adults
For more information or to register for this workshop please click here.