Water Quality/Coastal Tidelands Committee

It shall be the duty of the Water Quality/Coastal Tidelands Committee to:


  1. Advise and make recommendations to the City Council on policies, projects and programs that support and/or strengthen existing regulations to protect water quality and habitat in the bay and ocean;
  2. Advise and make recommendations to the City Council on policies, programs and projects that improve the water quality and habitat of Newport Bay and the ocean;
  3. Advise the City Council on implementation of the Tidelands Infrastructure Capital Plan in the following areas:
    1. Sea level rise as it affects ocean beaches.
    2. Ocean beach sand replenishment.
    3. Other capital projects affecting the ocean beaches and tidelands not covered by other committees;
  4. Advise and make recommendations to the City Council on policies, programs and projects that educate the watershed's population about the value of Newport Bay and the ocean; and
  5. Advise on any matter referred to the Water Quality/Coastal Tidelands Committee by the City Council or City Manager.

Committee Authorization:
Resolution 2021-11

Frequency of Meetings:
The first Thursday each month, unless otherwise noticed.

 Appointed Reappointed  Term Expires
 Council Member Michelle Barto, Chair

 Mayor Joe Stapleton, Vice Chair

 Peter Belden
 Curtis Black
02-23-21 06-30-25
 Charles Fancher 02-23-21
 Craig Hudson 06-27-23
 Richard McNeil
04-24-18 02-23-21 06-30-25
 George Robertson
01-22-13 06-27-23 06-30-27
 John Wadsworth


Length of Term for Members:
The two non-voting Council Members shall serve a one-year term and the seven citizen members serve for a four-year term.

 John Kappeler
Senior Civil Engineer

Staff Support:

Staff allocates approximately 30 hours a month to this committee.

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09/21/2024 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm